- M. Sanya (SOLA 2nd Year)
I helped you mend your broken heart,
your lonely bones, and your cold soul
I filled them with warmth and love
Carried them around like
they are a part of me, my home
Where I feel more alive than ever, feel more cherished and celebrated
And yet you ask me if it was all worth it?
If what I did was something
you asked me to do?
No, you didn't.
You couldn't speak for yourself
when I met you,
you know
I read your eyes and
your lies made sense.
It made sense why you hid your
true self beneath a million layers,
why you laughed and laughed and laughed
and stopped to sob,
to let your sadness flow.
Why do you never feel like a human
but just a body with
horrendous insides.
I knew and I could see and
I could feel because your pain
called out my name like
it wanted to end.
But the misery,
the ache,
the feeling of nothingness held your hands,
and my cheeks
felt abandoned.
My eyes lost the spark,
and my stomach started to churn.
I wish you'd held me
but you didn't.
It was the end
of a beautiful beginning.
I read your eyes again to
understand what's happening?
Why do I feel like I have lost my senses?
Your eyes blinked and
the wind hit my abandoned cheeks
and at that moment, I knew I had lost against destiny
and my heart broke.
My bones felt lonely.
And my soul?